Monday, January 23, 2006



Last night I stayed up until 4 a.m. to finish this gem of a book. I could try to summarize, but frankly, the slow depth of the novel wants me to keep it all a secret--and thus force some of you to jump out of your seats and buy it. Let me just say that it is a very Christian-sensed book, but never becomes a preachy, Christiany diatribe (and you know what I mean about Christiany, if you've ever been or are one--none of this Dr. Dobson/Left Behind scheisse. At one point in the novel, and I paraphrase, he says people of faith in the US often go looking for martyrdom, they seek out ways the world is infringing on their rights--how true). It just is what it is: a pastor's thoughts as he writes a letter to his young son.

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