Thursday, March 03, 2005


How this could work

The way I figure is on the links section each person could post suggestions and in the blog/post section we could talk about what we are reading and talk about the books we got from each others suggestions.

Keep it simple! I like amazon just becaus it is simple way of getting some strangers thoughts about a book. In the postings section you can talk about a book you have read from the links section or whatever. In the end do what ever linking you is your link section anyhow. I never buy books online anyway...I just like the reviews.
as far as the code I use to link with---I am pretty comfortable with it, but I have been using it for almost a year now. I just copy a preivious link and then paste it beneath it then make the changes. It takes a few secounds when you get used to it,but in the end do what you is your link. Just make it helpfull!
again use whatever method you want. I want this to be as chill as possible--in the end they are just books and they are just suggestions to books. There is much better ways of talking about them than blog entries like email, phone, better yet person to person. I like using amzon because I like the review sections--what works for me does not have to work for everyone else. I kind of envision this as a place where anyone who is looking for something to read can go to and quickly look at the suggestions and then make up their mind. If you think that a personalized blog entry will facilitate that--than by all means do it!
I will probobly end up writing my reviews on my own blog and linking to here. I am not one for writing reviews myself. I like talking about books, but I hate writing about them---strikes me too much like school work...
yeah that is why I use amazon...this is not to say that I would hate to read what other people have to say about the books they are reading. I can do that all day. So if you are feeling really hard core, by all means link to your own review. If the bug bites me in the ass I just might go out and write something about a book, but most of the time I just can't find the right words to say what I want consicely enough to put it all in a neat paragraph. I like conversations because they lend to long fluid disections of a book. personal preference.
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