Saturday, March 05, 2005


Baroque Cycle

Warning this is a series of three long novels that are broke up into about 8 short (300 page) novels that all make up one loooong story. I loved this series, but I will admit that there were a few sections I skimmed (especially the Eliza and the french cryptologist...wordy as hell.
I know it is a cliche, but I am going to say it anyhow:
I look at the world differently from reading these books.
There is just so much history and information jammed into the cycle. As the reader you are lead out of chaos into a new order which in turn will in time become chaotic and a new "system of the world" will emerge.
Also they are just so damn fun to read. The characters are great and the action just kind of sneaks up on you when you least expect it.
I read the last book around christmas and I am still thinking about them. They are most definatly worth the effort.


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